Unit is taking erratic Cylinder readings. Any help would be appreciated!
Wed Jun 29 2011
ARK 900 Autorefractorkeratometer
Thu Jun 30 2011Reply from JC Killinger

I have rebuilt a few of these and several of the 700s. First thing, need to properly clean out the examination port on the patient side of the head. Q-tips are often too large and abrassive to do this properly. You can order specialty 'smaller' q-tips from topcon or other companies and follow the manufacturers recommendations so far as cleaning fluid used. Routine cleaning is paramount for these devices to function accurately but if done incorrectly the cleaning can cause more harm than good and result in very expensive (parts wise) repairs.
If the problem persists after the cleaning then you may have larger issues. There is a crystal focusing prism in the center of the head, that coul;d be damaged or loose. The controller pcb could be faulty. There could be any number of wiring or connector issues that arise as the head moves to focus in on the patient.
- John
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Fri Jul 01 2011Reply from exact eyes

Thank you very much for your response. I have already tried to clean the examination port. I will try your other suggestion as well. Thanks!
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