Tue Jul 31 2012

Programing temperature controller

Need instructions on how to set temperature max for warming cabinet.

   RE: Warming Cabinet Report Post
Wed Aug 01 2012Reply from Carl Masters
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Upon the power up the controller executes the self test and goes into the operation mode.In operation mode the chamber temperature is displayed in the Display-1 in red color, and the set point value is displayed in the Display-2 in green color. The OUT light will be coming on and off depending on the temperature reading and the set point value. The STOP light should be off.

Set-point adjustment: Use the up and down keys to adjust the set point to a desired value.

Multiple set-points:This unit is capable of handling four preset values for the set-point, numbered 0, 1, 2, 3. The preset values are entered as a part of the set-up process in the Adjustment level. Switching between the preset values is achieved through the keypad. This feature is turned off, but the user can turn it back on if desired.

Keys Operation: The factory settings allow operation of the up and down keys to change the set point value. All other keys are disabled to prevent inadvertent changes to the controller’s setup parameters.

For a complete Operation and Maintenance Manual for Scientek Warming Cabinet SWC Series please contact me and I will email it to you.

Carl Masters

Regional Sales Manager








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Wed Aug 01 2012Reply from Ron Reid
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The SWC-2B-24 has used multiple types of controllers please contact scientek service dept listed below and we will send you the information you need.


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Tue Feb 14 2023Reply from Rcoquilla
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Is this number still active?

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