Sun Aug 05 2012


Can anyone help me obtain the Service Manual for the Aloka SSD 5500 Ultrasound or where i can download it from. I tried contacting them directly but unfortanetly they have discontinued this machine and all information on it. This matter is important for me because we are trying to repair this equipment for a public hospital in great need. Your help ad support is greatly appreciated.

   RE: Ultrasound Systems Report Post
Mon Aug 06 2012Reply from MedWrenchManager


MedWrench is available to help people with specific questions and troubleshooting problems. Could you please be more specific with the issue that you are having with your instrument , and the MedWrench team will do their best to assist you in solving the issue. This will also help other community members who face similar challenges.

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Sun Oct 28 2012Reply from Jace
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Dear sir.

I'm sorry too late for your request.

If you want the service manual of it. please contact me.

My e-mail is

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Sun Oct 28 2012Reply from Jace
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Dear sir.

I'm sorry too late for your request.

If you want the service manual of it. please contact me.

My e-mail is

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Mon Dec 16 2013Reply from richjade
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Dear Sir,

i need your help for our aloka prosound ssd-5500

our technician accidentally formatted the hardisk.

now the machine doesn't boot.

we need the complete software for the aloka prosound ssd-5500

thanking in email:

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