Sat Aug 18 2012

how to tell if OEC9900 is vascular

How can I tell if a GE OEC9900 is vascular? Also this may sound really stupid but how do I know if it's a 12"ii? Would that just be the circumference?

   RE: Mobile C-Arm Report Post
Mon Aug 20 2012Reply from MedWrenchManager

The easiest way to tell if a C-Arm is vascular is to look for "buttons" or "controls" for DSA Digital Subtraction and Peak Opacification. If present, you have a PM Care system. A basic vascular system with include Re-Registration and Road Mapping as well. A full vascular system will have those items plus Variable Landmark and Digital Cine Pulse and 15 and 30 FPS dynamic disk. There are other things but the features above will determine if it is vascular and to what level. As for the 12" Image Intensifier, you measure the diameter of the surface. Good luck!

Answer provided by Michael A, Buyers and Sellers of Refurbished C-Arms and Tables at C-ArmsUSA

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Thu Jan 17 2013Reply from Petech
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Actually, that is not how you measure the size of an image intensifier.  The outside surface diameter includes the housing and any protective guards.  That measurement would be much larger than the indicated or specified size.   By measuring just the diameter of the grid you would get a close idea and then you could round down to the nearest standard size.

The indicated size, or sizes of mag modes, of an image intensifier refers to the actual diameter of the field of view, which can only be measured while making x-rays and viewing the image.  There are phantoms designed for just that purpose or you can use a tape measure across the center of the surface of the image intensifier with a screw driver lined up at the edge of the visible field.  Look at the point where the screw driver intersects the tape measure and that is the size.  It will almost never measure exactly the size indicated, due to numerous variables, but that is how the size is measured and defined. The indicated size refers to the diameter of the x-ray field of view.  I am always amazed how much mis-imformation is spread by some of the people who sell the equipment.

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