why would the test exhalation port test not appear when machine turned on and has gone thru self test.
exhalation port tes

After passing POST, the Vision will power up in the initial startup screen. From this screen you can initiate the Exhalation port test. However, if you have depressed the Monitoring key and entered into ventilation you will not be able to run the exhalation port test. You will to power down the unit for about 20 seconds and then power it up again in order to enter into the initial startup screen.
Answer provided by John C., Tech Training Developer / Instructor 3 at Philips Medical Systems, Via LinkedIN
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Did you ever find a solution to this? A little late to the game but, I would think the possible explanations would be either a stuck monitoring key, or you turned the unit back on too soon, causing it to return to the screen/state it had previously been at/on.
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