Thu Aug 23 2012

Scavenging system connect

Does any one have a description of how to correctly assemble/connect the scavenging system to the bellows assembly  of the 7800 ventilator?

Thank you,


   RE: Ventilator, Gas Machine Report Post
Sat Aug 25 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

This is straight forward unless you have a remotely mounted bellows assy, which I assume you do. You would connect a 19mm scavenge tube from the back of the absorber to the scavenger, one from the back of the bellows to the scavenger.

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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Gordon
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Dear sir/madam,

Thank you for your reply. Our bellows assembly is mounted on the absorber. On the backside of the absorber/bellows connection we have two tube connections:

- a 17mm inlet port: which is connected to the drive gas connection on the backside of the ventilator (according to the manual)

- a 19mm exhaust port: on which we placed a 19mm scavenging tube and connected this to the scavenger.  

So I connected a 19mm scavenge tube from the back of the absorber/bellows connection (19mm exhaust) to the scavenger, but do not understand what you mean by "one from the back of the bellows to the scavenger"...I have no tube connection left on the absorber/bellows connection.

Do you maybe have a picture of such a scavenger which is correctly connected? If so is it possible to send it to me by e-mail: or

Thank you, 


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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

You got it right.

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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Gordon
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Does it matter on which side of the scavenger i connect the 19mm scavenging tube? I have three 19mm connections on the scavenger and a fourth smaller tube connection...

We did not get any information on how to connect this scavenger.



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Wed Sep 05 2012Reply from Ric
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You have to regulate the suction for your scavenging.

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Wed Sep 05 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

Sorry for th delay. The 19mm scavenger ports are all the same, the ones you do not have a tube connected should be blocked. The smaller one I assume is for the vac supply that has a black knob above a tapered nipple. You adjust the knob all the way closed and then 1.5 turns open, then test as the book says durning operation. There is also a positive and neg relief valve one the scavenger...the posts of that valve have to be together so when you push the neg post underneath it hits the cap and stays together inside the scavenger. There is also usually a small adapter connected to a 19mm port for the gas module exhaust. A hose goes from the scavenger adapter to the back of the agent monitors exhaust port.

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Thu Sep 06 2012Reply from Gordon
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Thank you!

We have succesfully installed it now.


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