Fri Aug 24 2012

Whistling sound from back panel

Dear all,

Our organisation has an Excel 210 SE system with a 7800 ventilator and absorber. We are experiencing a problem with the system: it makes a whitsling sound whenever the oxygen tank is connected. We were able to localize the sound/leak on the backside of the machine. I made a picture of the part which is making the sound: 

Can someone tell me what part this is and if wee need to replace it? Does anybody know where we can purchase this?

Thank you!


   RE: Anesthesia Gas Machine Report Post
Fri Aug 24 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

Yes, that is the low O2 alarm, you need to follow the green tube and adjust the valve by the should sound at 38 psi decending...crimp or flow the O2 supply line with the flow meter up at 5Lpm and you will see the O2 gauge fall...when the gauge gets to 38 the alarm should start sounding and go for at least 7 sec. Ken

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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Gordon
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Dear sir/madam,

Thank you for your reply. With the system off I followed the green tube and adjusted the oxygen valve by the can to 10 l/m. This resulted in O2 gauge pressure measurement of approximatly 65psi displayed on the excel210. When I truned on the system the O2 pressure gauge immediatly dropped to the "red zone" and does not recover and the whistling sound also keeps on sounding.

Am I doing something wrong of is there maybe another problem?



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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

You did this wrong...not even close to what I said to do. 10L/m? You need to follow the proceedure in the service manual.

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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Gordon
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Our system only has cillinders (air, oxygen and nitrogen) which provide the needed gas and are connected using the "pipeline"  connections (green/yellow and blue tubes) instead of the cillinder connections. This is done because the cillinders available in our country don't fit on the cillinder connections of the system and the medical centre does not have a central gas system to which we can connect the pipeline tubes of the excel 210.

Our O2 cillinder has a regulator on which I can read and increase the flow in l/m.  I took the following picture:

We did not receive the service manual for the system only the operators/maintenance manual. 


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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Gordon
Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from Aneserv Medical Inc.
Aneserv Medical Inc.

I see now, you need a 50 psi secondary regulator on the O2 tank...not an adjustable LPM.

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Mon Aug 27 2012Reply from JV

I have found on a Aestiva 5, the whistling noise is the check valve blowing by. So far the three that I have had was becauses the Nitrous tank regulator was bad. When I replaced it the whistling went away.

Good luck

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Tue Aug 28 2012Reply from Gordon
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Dear Ken,

I assume that  with "50 psi secondary regulator" you mean a "two-stage 50psi oxygen regulator"?


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Tue Sep 04 2012Reply from Biomed Roy
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Did you look at the pressure regulator?  This brings down your pressure from 2200psi to 50psi.  I had one wistling badly and that is what it was.  Replaced it and problem gone.

Roy Morris, CBET

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Wed Sep 05 2012Reply from Ric
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65psi is too high, just set it to 50 to 55psi. whistling sound is very common on this model coz we have excel 110 and 210. the sounds start when you turn on for atleast 5 sec. the same when you turn it off.

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