RE: Hematology Analyzer Report Post

Does the results of NRBC in LH780 is good or not?
Our Customer complaint it very much. I don't know how to explain for them.
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The way BC explain it is, the only interference you have to worry about is very small lymphocytes (like CLL) that will get counted as NRBC and lower the WBC due to correction.
Otherwise, if there is WBC interference by NRBC's the WBC count will be corrected. Although you must review the differential and make sure there is correlation.
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Hi Sue,
I know how it caculate for NRBC.
But i wonder about the trust of result for NRBC? Does it correct or not in your customer?
Because our customer were not believed in the result after checking by manual methode.
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The LH780 counts by enumeration, it is very inaccurate (check the system performance specification in help menu). The DxH800 counts using an additonal sensor (the AL2 channel), and is a vast improvement, though also not perfect.
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