Information about this scope/washer
RE: Endoscope Reprocessors Report Post

We are having fluid intrusion on our Fujinon Scopes, cant get help from either company. Both point the finger at each other.
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Steris did have a FDA recall on the EPS for internal fluid leaks causing faults and flooding. Has your machine been properly upgraded?
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We had 6 of these units. Over a 2 year period we could have replaced all six and still have saved over $200K Constant breakdowns and every service report stated the unit was working properly upon arrival... really?
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Dear JFC,
We came across your post about the Reliance EPS. We would like to help troubleshoot this with you. Would you please provide us with your preferred method of contact or you can contact Jason Bean using the phone number below.
Jason D. Bean, B.S., M.B.A.
Product Manager
STERIS Corporation
Thank you,
Kara Daugherty
Online Marketing Coordinator
STERIS Corporation
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